God's Word is Health

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:22 KJV

For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Today’s lesson will continue to discuss “God’s Words”. In our previous write-up we examined “God’s Word” being Life. However in this lesson we will explore “God’s Word being Health” to all our flesh. Please believe us, dear faith friend; you need both divine life and “good health”. It is possible to have life but the quality of life is below feeling good on a regular basis. Yes, there are many people in the world who are physically suffering every day and all the hurt and pain they are suffering is not because they are some great sinner but rather they are suffering primarily because the enemy of our souls (yes, Satan, Himself) wants them to suffer. Even when we briefly mention Job we can understand that the final blow to Job from Satan was his “health”. Yes, the enemy knows if he can get the average person sick they will be less effective with helping others. Also, if the devil can make the Christian sick they will sometimes blame God to make the situation worst. Notice with us Job 2:3a-5 KJV which states: “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? . . . And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face.” The Devil was banking on Job cursing God when his flesh became corrupted by sickness, disease and grief. We learn from Job that cursing God was not the proper response but praying for others and worshipping God for who He Is and all that He has done for us is the key to settings the captives free as shown in Job 42:10a KJV which states, “And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: . . .” This means it is God’s Will to have men (and women and children) “healthy in this world”. Why would Jesus take the shame and punishment of the cross if there was no gain for the people He saved. Likewise, why would Jesus take a beating of 39 slashes with a whip full of sharp objects tearing His skin if He knew it will not benefit those He was beaten for. No, no, our faith friend, God is oh so smart and brilliance emanates from His Presence so know with all confidence that Jesus became “unhealthy” so that you could be “healthy”. Remember 3 John 1:2 KJV which states, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” Yes, the Lord desires for you, us and everyone to be in “good health” and we (ihlcc) not only believe for your “good health”, but we believe it is God’s desire for everyone to be in “good health” or we could say living in “divine health”. One of our praises unto God states, “I thank you Lord Jesus that my body is in “Good Health” and “Good Health” is in my body.” Yes, being in “good health” is not a future promise but rather a living condition for today. Generally speaking most Christians get sick and then some (not all) start praying to God for their healing. However, we know some receive their healing while others deal with the sickness or diseases for a long time. Let us (ihlcc) ask you a question to see if you get the right answer. Is it better to be sick then healed later or to not be sick at all because you are perpetually in “good health?” We (ihlcc) would rather abide in “Good Health”. Let us look at the same situation from a higher level. In Heaven would you rather be sick for a short season then become healed whenever Jesus comes to visit you or would you rather continuously be healthy so you could always be a blessing to others? We (ihlcc) again believe in Heaven no sickness or disease is present. Therefore, we should pray and believe for God’s Will in Heaven to be done the same way with the same results right here on earth according to Matthew 6:9-10 KJV. “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Yes, it is God’s expressed perfect will for all of His Children to be “healthy”. Yes, “good health” blesses the person living in “good health” and “good health” also blesses God your Heavenly Father and His Precious Son Jesus Christ. “Good Health” is the fulfillment of what Jesus was beaten for so let us not take it lightly or choose to be casual about fully receiving our healing from God. So how do we obtain this “good health” someone may ask? This brings us back to the main topic of today’s reading which is “God’s Word” because the reference verse states that “God’s Word is health” to all our flesh. We choose not to overcomplicate this message by adding a bunch of do’s and don’ts but simply proclaim that “God’s Word is what God said it (Him) is”. “God’s Word is good health to all my flesh” and yes, “God’s Word is health to all your flesh” too. Yes, “God’s Word is good health” to anyone who needs to be “healthy” but God’s Words must be spoken from a believing heart. When you voice God’s Word you give Him Life and this Life opens the door for “Good Health” in your life. You may not understand exactly how God’s Word brings divine health into your body and that is OK we don’t understand everything about God either but this one thing we do know, if God’s Word states “His Word is our Health” than it is to our profit that we take God’s Word into our heart like medicine consistently to see a positive change in our health. Taking “God’s Word like medicine” requires a steady confession of the scripture such that when you are speaking “God’s Word” as an everyday lifestyle on the subject of healing and health, then (after that) you shall experience “Good Health” on a higher level. Yes, again we (ihlcc) repeat it is definitely God’s Will to have all people in “good health” but this “good health” comes from His Holy Healthy Word so put it (God’s Word) into your heart and regularly speak it out of your mouth to release life and healing into your body and mind. Thus, when sickness and disease are diminished and mental doubt is destroyed your physical body will rest in “Good Health” and your soul will be in “good health” too, all because you allowed “God’s Word to be Health to all your flesh”. PS – this includes any and all physical organs and substances within your flesh too because God’s wants all of you well and so do we in Jesus Name. Amen!